Intersection of Periyar, Socrates and Rousseau philosophies :)


Socrates, the great Greek Philosopher was concerned about Ethical conduct and emphasised on Phronesis – Practical wisdom and he strongly believed that the ability to reason was the landmark feature of Humanity.

Socrates also believed that reason, the ability to reason will help us be moral.

Socrates also argues that poetry should be banned in an ideal state which depicts gods doing immoral things – Socrates was executed because he was accused by the Greek democrats that he was inciting a revolt thought his influence on the Greek youth.

Periyar also had the concept of Pagutharivu which is similar to that of Socrates thinking. Periyar believed that Hindu Gods did not promote morality but promoted Social immorality, Vice and Oppression. ( Supremacy of reason over religion ).

Greek philosopher Socrates – Periyar was termed ” Socrates of South Asia “

Comparison of Periyar with Rousseau :

Rousseau was opposed to corrupt practices of the church and its collaboration in power sharing. Rousseau stressed on the need for a civic religion for the masses.

“Rousseau – Civilisation corrupts the natural and primitive human”

Voltaire and his similarity with Periyar :

Voltaire laid great emphasis on growth of education and public growth of reason. He attacked the priestly classes as an “unproductive class of Social Parasites living of the masses”.

Ambedkar chose Voltaire as an ideal intellectual.

“Liberty is not only absence of restraints from the State but also freedom from the entrenched social norms”

“Periyar cannot be compared or called a philosopher but was one of a kind thinker who was a complete rationalist who wanted to dismantle caste and opposed brahmanism relevant to the Indian Context.”

Origins and Insights on Modern Non Brahmin Politics.


Among the most common narratives during the 1920’s that the Brahmin’s are ideal and worthy of emulation by Annie Beasant and other scholars of contemporary. times, the ice breaker for these beliefs comes in the form of the book ” A Comparative Grammar of the Dravidian or the South Indian family of Languages” by Robert Caldwell.

This books serves as the genesis for Dravidian politics and starts of the Aryan vs Dravidian debates.

Caldwell notes in his book, cites the Aryans as the outsiders who were responsible for introducing caste into the Dravidian Society.

“Tamil spoken with a Sanskrit tongue was considered godly whereas the native tongue of the Tamils were considered unworthy”

This created a Non Brahmin identity for the natives as the Colonial Structure was used by the Brahmin elites to create a Indian/Hindu Nationalism suppressing the identities of the Non Brahmins.

Non brahmin identity surfaced with the release of the Non Brahmin Manifesto of 1916.

This Manifesto is a landmark event in Tamil Politics and Intellectual history.

This Manifesto also gave birth to the South Indian Liberal Foundation of the Justice Party.

Justice Party’s main objectives were more political power and representation, education opportunities and the government services for Non-Brahmins.

Non Brahmin Movements resonated spirits of equality and sense of self respect.

Due to its inability to compete with Congress Justice party lost the Madras presidency elections in 1937 aligned with the Self Respect Movement and was later formed as the Dravidar Kazhagam.

Picture Courtesies : Google Images.

Lets Discuss Periyar :)